Prayer Ministry
Prayer Requests
Trinity has a prayer ministry. There are prayer request cards at the Welcome Center in the lobby. If you have a special prayer request, fill out one of the forms on Sunday morning (or Wednesday nights during Lent) and fold and place them in the offering plate. You may also call the church office 763-295-2092 or e-mail [email protected]. Know that there will be someone praying for your request. There is no request too small to bring to Jesus.
Prayer List
Prayer partners (sometimes self-proclaimed prayer warriors) are an informal group of people dedicated to praying for your special requests. Email or call the church office with your request for prayer(s). This list is printed every week in the bulletin of those in need of prayer.
Prayer Mentor Ministry
Prayer is a powerful tool in our lives and can be a great asset to the lives of children and youth. A Prayer Mentor is someone who intentionally commits to pray for a child or youth of Trinity Lutheran Church on a daily basis. As a prayer mentor you will receive the names of up to 3 children to pray for, their age and a list of possible prayers for the children. If you are interested in this great ministry opportunity, please call the church office at 763-295-2092.
Prayer Shawls
The Prayer Shawl group makes shawls for members of the congregation who are in need of some extra comfort. If you are interested in making a prayer shawl, you can get a pattern for either a knitted or crocheted shawl at the Welcome Center. If you are interested in receiving a prayer shawl for yourself or an ailing loved one, please contact the office.
Trinity has a prayer ministry. There are prayer request cards at the Welcome Center in the lobby. If you have a special prayer request, fill out one of the forms on Sunday morning (or Wednesday nights during Lent) and fold and place them in the offering plate. You may also call the church office 763-295-2092 or e-mail [email protected]. Know that there will be someone praying for your request. There is no request too small to bring to Jesus.
Prayer List
Prayer partners (sometimes self-proclaimed prayer warriors) are an informal group of people dedicated to praying for your special requests. Email or call the church office with your request for prayer(s). This list is printed every week in the bulletin of those in need of prayer.
Prayer Mentor Ministry
Prayer is a powerful tool in our lives and can be a great asset to the lives of children and youth. A Prayer Mentor is someone who intentionally commits to pray for a child or youth of Trinity Lutheran Church on a daily basis. As a prayer mentor you will receive the names of up to 3 children to pray for, their age and a list of possible prayers for the children. If you are interested in this great ministry opportunity, please call the church office at 763-295-2092.
Prayer Shawls
The Prayer Shawl group makes shawls for members of the congregation who are in need of some extra comfort. If you are interested in making a prayer shawl, you can get a pattern for either a knitted or crocheted shawl at the Welcome Center. If you are interested in receiving a prayer shawl for yourself or an ailing loved one, please contact the office.